Versión española

(Guanche dance)


The Canary Islands were conquered by the Kingdom of Castille during the 1400s. Almost a century will past between the conquest of Lanzarote, in 1402, and Tenerife's, in 1496.

Guanche was the name that Tenerife natives gave themselves: Guan Chenech meant "Man from Chenech", that is, Man from Tenerife. In time, Guanche will be the name given to all Canarian natives.

According to the tales of the European conquerors, the Guanches were a "highly beautiful white race, tall, muscular, and very handsome". Nowadays, all historians agree on the point that the Guanches originated in a common line of ancestors with the ancient Berbers from Northern Africa.

Guanches disappeared, as an individual people or culture, very short after conquest. Their culture vanished so quickly, that their language was lost in just a century. Just a few words of the daily life were maintained.
This is logic if we remember that the clash was between an European culture of the Renaissance and a neolithic culture. Nor the European historic or moral values of the time, neither the Guanche means for cultural transmission allowed the cultural survival. They didn't know writing. Population became mixed after a short period of time, with a large influx of European immigrants from several countries. 16th century, the century of the colonization of the Canaries, is the time of the Great Spanish World Empire. Flemish, Germans, Italians and Portuguese changed of countries, but not of sovereign, when they established themselves in Tenerife.

Guanches were baptized and received Castilian names. But very frequently, they received also as 'surnames' the family names of their Castilian godfathers.

Anyway, the Guanche culture and, partially, the biologic heredity are still present in a certain mesure in today's Canarian society. It is a cultural and people melting pot, not just Spanish and Guanche, but also with important influences from Portugal, Flanders, Ireland, etc... Historians and anthropologists have prooved the survival of the Guanches in  rites and ceremonies, customs, believes, superstitions and folklore of all kind of the present Canarian society. A good part of the actual Canarian population descends from the union of Guanches and European conquistadores and settlers. The documental proofs of it are not always available. In our family, we are proud to be able to know some of our Guanche ascendants:

mencey.gif (11966 bytes)Diego de IBAUTE was the name given to a Guanche from Tenerife who was educated by the Castilians. He was probably captured during the second half of the 15th century. Together with other natives from other islands as well as from his own island, he took part in the war of conquest of Tenerife (1494-1496) as a member of the Castilian army. He served also as interpreter for the Adelantado (title of the Supreme Commander) Alonso Fernández de Lugo. After the conquest he received datas (property grants) in San Andrés Valley, in the Menceyato (native kingdom) of Anaga (Northeast Tenerife). The place where Diego received his properties were known by the Guanches as Ibaute, and this was the origin of the family surname.  But Diego received also as wife Juana (also called María) González, "la Hidalga de Anaga" (the Noblewoman of Anaga), which was a member of the "achimenceyes" class of the Anaga clan, that is, member of the Mencey's (King) of Anaga "royal family". Tenerife was divided into nine clans or kingdoms, with a Mencey as head of each one. The members of the nobility, related to the Mencey, were called 'achimenceyes'. According to a legendary tradition, Tenerife's nine Guanche Menceyes were grandchildren of an unique Mencey of the whole island, Tinerfe, surnamed "the Great". But there are no historical proofs of this legendary sovereign.

Diego and Juana's son, Gonzalo de IBAUTE, married Francisca GONZÁLEZ DELGADO. Although there is no clear report on it, it is almost sure that she was also a native. We know that their daughter Juana GONZÁLEZ IBAUTE married another Guanche, Francisco DÍAZ. This one came from the Adeje Mencey-dom, in Southwest Tenerife. According to historian Dacio Darias y Padrón, he was also a member of the 'achimenceyes' class.

One of the valleys in Anaga range, the native kingdom in Tenerife where some of our ancestors came from

Members of the following generations married descendants of the European conquistadores or settlers.


- NAME in BLUE: Male of Guanche ascendancy
- NAME in PINK: Woman of Guanche ascendancy
- NAME in BLACK: Spouse or partner of a lineage member
- YELLOW background: *CLICK*, Link for further information on this individual
- X = marriage / union
- (date of birth-date of death)
- (priv.): this individual is alive, therefore further information concerning him/her is not published

                                           GUANCHES (Natives) from TENERIFE
            |                               |                                      |
            |                               |                                      |
            |                 MENCEYES (Native Kings)                        GUANCHES from ADEJE
            |                 of ANAGA (Northeast Tenerife)                  (Southwest Tenerife)
15th cent.  |                               |                                      |
            |                               |                                      |
            |                               |                                      |
       Diego de IBAUTE       xxx    Juana, also called María, GONZÁLEZ             |
       (Guanche from Tenerife)|     "La Hidalga de Anaga"                          |
       (14??-after 1517)      |     ("the Noblewoman of Anaga")                    |
                              |                                                    |
                              |                                                    |
       Catalina   xxx  Gonzalo de IBAUTE  xxx  Francisca GONZÁLEZ DELGADO          |
       Rodríguez                           |                                       |
                                           |                                       |
 16th cent.                                |                                       |
                               Juana GONZÁLEZ IBAUTE       xxx         FRANCISCO DÍAZ
                               (15??-after 1578)            |
                               Marquesa DÍAZ de IBAUTE     xxx     Amador HERNÁNDEZ
                      (15??-after 1612)            |
 17th cent.                                        |
                      Catalina AMADOR de IBAUTE   xxx     Bernardo NÚÑEZ
                               |                  1627
                      Marcos HERNÁNDEZ AMADOR     xxx     Catalina MARTÍN NÚÑEZ QUINTERO
                               |                  1647
                  Jerónima QUINTERO y HERNÁNDEZ   xxx     Antonio ESPINOSA de los MONTEROS
                  (16??-1698)                      |      (16??-1675)
                               |                  1673
                  Águeda de CASTILLA y ESPINOSA   xxx     Francisco MARRERO QUINTERO
                  (16??-after 1726)                |
18th cent.                                         |
                               |                  1696
                  Salvador ESPINOSA de los        xxx     María GONZÁLEZ LLANOS de la BARREDA
                  MONTEROS y QUINTERO              |      
                               |                  1725
                  Tomás de ESPINOSA AYALA         xxx     Catalina de AYALA QUINTERO
                  (1703-1764)                      |      (17??-1768)
                               |                  1779
                  José ESPINOSA de la BARREDA     xxx     Antonia Bárbara FERNÁNDEZ-PAYVA
                  (17??-after 1812)                |      y CASTAÑEDA
19th cent.                                         |
                               |                  1810
                  María Antonia ESPINOSA de la    xxx     (1º) Santiago José LÓPEZ AUBERT
                  BARREDA y FERNÁNDEZ-PAYVA        |      (1767-before 1813)
                  (17??-after 1819)                |
                               |                  1845
                  José LÓPEZ ESPINOSA de la       xxx     Rosa María de ABREU LÓPEZ
                  BARREDA                          |      (1816-before 1877)
                  (1811-before 1877)               |
                               |                  1879
                 Margarita LÓPEZ ABREU            xxx     Fernando CABRERA-PINTO y LÓPEZ
                 (1855-1944)                       |      (1855-1920)
                               |                  1921                             1906
                  Margarita Leonor CABRERA-PINTO  xxx     Pedro VILLAMANDOS PINTO  xxx  (1ª) Dolores REYES
                  y LÓPEZ-ABREU                    |      (1882-1925)                        GONZÁLEZ
                  (1888-1959)                      |
 20th cent.                     ___________________|
                               |          1949
                  Margarita VILLAMANDOS    xxx     Julio Juan RANCEL MARTÍN
                  CABRERA-PINTO             |      (1922-1998)
                  (1924-2020)               |
                                            | ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                            |                                             |                                                  |           | 
                                1979        |                  2004                       |            1978                                  |           |
                  Beatrix SERAL xxx  Julio Néstor Juan RANCEL  xxx  Roy Lee GENTRY   Francisco RANCEL  xxx  Isaura (Sabrina) MEDINA    Sergio RANCEL   Isabel Margarita ("Isamar")
                  ARANDA         |   VILLAMANDOS                    (priv.)          VILLAMANDOS        |   NARANJO                    VILLAMANDOS     RANCEL VILLAMANDOS
                  (1953-1997)    |                                                      (priv.)         |   (priv.)                    (priv.)         (1962-1972)
                                 |                                  ____________________________________|
                                 |                                 |                                    |
                       Mayec RANCEL SERAL                   Francisco José RANCEL MEDINA      Patricia RANCEL MEDINA
                       (priv.)                              (priv.)                           (priv.)
21st cent.                      xxx                               xxx 2015 
                       Begoña GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ          Diana ARRANZ MAESTRO
                               (priv.)                        (priv.)
                                                        |                                |
                                                        |                                |
                                                        |                                |
                                                   Ariadna RANCEL ARRANZ          Mario RANCEL ARRANZ
                                                   (priv.)                        (priv.)


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