Versión española




a.- Notes on Spanish Genealogy

(aussi en version française)

b.- The Family History's Story


bolared.gif (110 bytes) ANCESTORS of Mayec RANCEL SERAL (31-05-2021)


bolared.gif (110 bytes) LA  FAMILIA  TOTAL (31-05-2021)

III.- RANCEL Family Tree  (8-6-2023)
  • Fourteen generations since Don Francisco RANCEL, whose descendants live in the Canary Islands, Continental Spain, Belgium, Cuba, Venezuela and the United States. The most frequent first names among the Rancels.
  IV.- The RANCEL FAMILY VAULT in Sta.Cruz de Tenerife Cemetery (19-4-2007)


  • History of the Family vault. How is the Rancel family vault? Who rest in the vault? Some stories of the family vault. The vault family tree.

V.- VILLAMANDOS Family Tree (23-11-2022) villamandos.jpg (8717 bytes)

VI.- SERAL Family Tree (20-09-2019) Seral

VII.- Some lines of the Family Tree



- Family archives, official and private documents, and memories of the various family branches.
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Archives.
- Spanish National Army Archives -Archivo General Militar- (Segovia).
- "Historia de Canarias", by José de Viera y Clavijo, 1776.
- "Guía histórica-descriptiva de Santa Cruz de Tenerife", by Felipe Miguel Poggi y Borsotto, 1881.
- "Histoire de l'établissement des Anversois aux Canaries au XVIe siècle", by Fernand Donnet, 1895.
- "Linajes herreño-gomeros, Familia Espinosa-Ayala", by Dacio V. Darias y Padrón, 1924.
- "Noticias generales históricas sobre la isla del Hierro", by Dacio V. Darias y Padrón, 1929.
- "Nobiliario de Canarias", 1959.
- "Historia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife", by Alejandro Cioranescu.
- "Noticias relacionadas con la Historia de la Isla del Hierro", by José Padrón Machín, 1983.
- "Los Reyes Martín y la Cultura", by Octavio Rodríguez Delgado, 1994.
- "La Historia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife", by María Jesús Luis Yanes y José María Sánchez Hernández, 1995.
- "El Hierro: una isla singular", by Carlos Quintero Reboso, 1997.
- "San Rafael y San Roque: un camposanto con historia, 1810-1816", by Daniel García Pulido, 2000.

-  "Índices de los protocolos pertenecientes a las escribanías de la isla de El Hierro" (publicado en 1973, Instituto de Estudios Canarios, La Laguna, Antonio BETHENCOURT MASSIEU y Leopoldo de LA ROSA OLIVERA
Tabla de parentescos de don Fernando de Castilla, Regidor de La Palma (s. XVI)

My gratitude to:

- Ms. María de los Reyes TRUJILLO ASCANIO, civil servant in the City archives of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Her professionalism and kindness were a great help to me.
- Ms. Carmen Luz HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ, Specialist in the Archive of the Diocese of Tenerife (in La Laguna). She is another good example of extraordinary profesional competence, as well as an example of kindness and helpfulness to the people who want to do researches in the Archive.
- Daniel GARCÍA PULIDO (Danny), historian (University of La Laguna), who helps me with information on diffente branches and individuals of my family.
- my relative Marcelo (José Marcelo PÉREZ FLORIDO, in Tenerife, Spain), also a descendant of Tomás de ABREU CRESPO y OROPESA (8-41.), who has transmitted to me very interesting informations.
- my late relative Saturnino MUÑIZ VILLAMANDOS, from Villaquejida (León, Spain), also a descendant  of Felipe VILLAMANDOS CADENAS (7-14.), who gave us very interesting informations about the Villamandos family.
- José Ignacio del AMO LOBO; I share with his wife common ancestors from Castile-León. He has given me a lot of precious information on these branches. A link with his family tree pages ("la Familia Interminable" = the Never Ending Family) appears further down, in the section 'Interesting Links'.
- my relative Maixa (María Luisa PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, in Bilbao, Spain), also a descendant of Domingo Javier VILLAMANDOS PÉREZ (6-8.) and of Felipe VILLAMANDOS CADENAS (7-14.), who has researched on the family history and gave us a lot of information about entire branches of the Villamandos.
- my relative Ana Margarita (Any) AROZENA CONCEPCIÓN, in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain), also a descendant of Lorenzo de ABREU LAZCANO y GORDEJUELA (7-24.), who has given to me information about her family branch.
- to my first cousin once removed Tirso RANCEL GONZÁLEZ, who gave to me valuable information concerning the origins of the Rancel in Lanzarote and Tenerife; information given to him by researcher Antonio MONTELONGO FRANQUIZ, from Lanzarote.
- Don Rafael RODRÍGUEZ de CASTRO, who gave to me valuable information from his archives concerning the RANCEL and the NARANJO families.
- my far relative Nelson DÍAZ FRÍAS, from South Tenerife, who has given to me information concerning the descendants of El Hierro families in this area of Tenerife.
- Ms. Georgina HERNÁNDEZ COSTA, of the COSTA-ALBA family in Havana, who gave to me valuable information about the RANCEL from Cuba.
- Mijnheer Werner De MEESTER, from Brugge (Flanders, Belgium), who has given to me important information on the Honin, Van de Walle and other families from Brugge, correcting in several cases the Nobiliario de Canarias.
- Mercedes LOSCOS, from Alloza (Teruel), who has given to me documents and information concerning the Aranda ancestry.
- Jorge Melón, who has given to me information about my Lemus-Padilla ancestors.
- to my relative María del Pilar (Pilucha) VALLEJO, who is a descendant, like me, of Estanislao Miguel CABRERA CABRERA (7-18) and his wife Tomasa RODRÍGUEZ PINTO (7-19); she has given to me a lot of information concerning several generations of the Cabrera-Pinto family.
- to my relatives María del Huerto PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ-REARDEN (Uruguay) and Gustavo Enrique REARDEN (Argentina) for the information concerning the REARDEN-RANCEL families from these countries.
Mevrouw Van Waesberghe
, for the corrections and accurate information on the roots of GHISELIN (GUISLA) family in Flanders. Based on original sources, her information corrects the GUISLA genealogy traditionally known in the Canary Islands.
- many other people, who with the increase and growth of Internet, have contributed and always contribute to this genealogy work.


Canarias GenWeb
Heráldica Hispana: of the Centro Español de Investigación Heráldica (Spanish Heraldry Research Center)
Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía
Genealogía e Historias: blog on Aragon's genealogies by María José Fuster.
SAGA: Société des Amis de la Généalogie de l'Ardèche.
Tabla de parentescos de don Fernando de Castilla, Regidor de La Palma (s. XVI): de Francisco Javier MARTÍN.

Berriel Family
Surname Oramas
: a genuine Canarian surname.





© Julio N. Rancel